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We 8/5/2024

Roller Conveyor

This product is an item playing important role in the quality of polishing and cutting the stone and ceramic, particularly for attaining to accurate dimensions and if the form and specification of this material has been lost, it will result in unevenness and low accuracy in the final size of the product and such cases are considered as main factors for product’s quality.

Conveyor provided by Parsang Fanavar Company has been manufactured by most famous Italian factory. Most machinery made by Breton has been sold while equipped with Barbieri conveyor.

Based on the type of materials and its design, this product has high stickiness when contacting with stone or ceramic and this results in improving the quality of polishing and cutting operation.

To attain an ideal quality, whether surface evenness and dimension, this product may be a secure choice because it has been used by Breton Company.